Friday, June 17, 2005 I am in the mood

It's only 2:26pm and it's already been a long day. I left the house about 8am to start the church series. After walking about 5 miles in 5 hours or so, I was able to photograph about 10 churches. This series will certainly prove interesting since the streets are so narrow and the churches so tall, they seem very close in my camera's viewfinder. I had to use the 50mm lens to capture them. Also, I was using a small aperture - f22, so the shutter speed was around an 1/8th of a second. There were tons of people around all of the churches, so with any luck, they will appear as ghosts. Could be interesting.

The weather this morning was cool and overcast. Perfect. The minute I got back to the apartment, the harsh sun reappeared.

Last night, our SDSU neighbors cleaned out our pantry. I told them the chances of me cooking were rather slim so they came, got what they wanted and cooked dinner for about 8 of us. It was fun. The weather has also cooled off so the evenings are pleasant. Oh yeah, while sitting out of the patio last night, a huge grey owl flew closely overhead, screaching towards the church. He was close enough for us to see his face and eyes. He landed in a nearby tree and screached for about 30 minutes or so. All of the pigeons took off in sheer terror. This place is truly amazing.

I also developed 6 rolls of film last night. The negs continue to look very good. I will have so much to do when I get home to Santa Fe. When all is said and done, probably about 75 or so rolls of film will be exposed here. Not too bad but way off from what I had planned.

I've spoken to Amelia 4 times since she left yesterday afternoon. She got home just fine. Lucky her; she was able to use a real shower. I can't wait. But I will happily bide my time.

To briefly mention Batman Begins, it was truly amazing. Well done. The theater we went to was jammed with people and the sound was loud enough to actually vibrate, no rumble, our chairs. It was fantastic. We all walked out afterwards with our mouths wide open. Go and see it.


At 3:47 PM, Blogger Amelia said...

Yes, I greatly enjoyed my shower, which felt like a deluge after the rather drippy shower in our Oaxaca apartment. However, I do miss Oaxaca, new friends, and my David. I am glad the owl showed up though--it seems a good omen. We are very fond of owls.


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