Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Now this feels good....

Last night I developed film for the first time here in Oaxaca. I started with four rolls from my evening in the Botanical Gardens.

APX25 and Rodinal 1+100 and the negs look great. Now I can start to play catch up with what I´ve shot already.

Some of my processing equipment is a bit crude but it works. I have cut some water bottles in half to use as funnels and I purchased some mini plastic ¨gas¨ cans to store my fixer.

The funny thing about Oaxaca is I have found lots of 4x5 and 5x7 film but only one place sells medium format film and it´s only kodak.

The weather here is still hot as hell. The humidity is thick and sticky but my hair looks great. :) More Americanos are staying at the Casa Arnel and the nightlife (hahaha) is sitting around drinking cervaza. Most of the crowd are anthrologists or archaelogists so the IQ level is pretty high but a bit geeky. Really nice people though.

Still no luck on a permit. I have email INAH about this without any response. Next time I will know better. And there will be a next time. I really like this place.



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