Funny things in Oaxaca
(This will be an entry I will add to along the way.)
If it drops below 85 degrees, people start wearing turtle necks, leather jackets, and fleece!! I am not kidding. It was at least 84 the other day and people had leather, fur lined jackets on.
At the movies, I saw a gruesome sight. People put KETCHUP on their popcorn!!! And we think the butter is gross.
At the hotdog stand, Oaxacans pass on the ketchup and go straight for the MAYO!!!
If your money has a slight tear, it will be refused. If you try to spend the 500 peso bill the ATM just gave you, it will be refused. I tried to use a 20 peso bill this morning that has a 1/8th inch tear and it was refused.
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